Where Epic Loot Meets Epic Laughs – Join the Fun!
Mirage is a PVM Focused CC. However we do have members that explore all types of content.
Mirage was created by King Tander and 7F9. Together they wanted to build a community that was more than the regular community. They wanted to build a friend group and that’s exactly what they did. In Mirage you can expect 2am TOBs in a discord call listening to Dwobbz tell you about how bald he is. We’re all about laughs and banter while doing content. We do have some exceptional teachers if you’ve not managed to learn the raids yet. You’ll find it much easier to find raiders/teachers if you’re in the discord to use the button at the top of the page to join.
Rank System
The rank system is currently undergoing an overhaul. Please be patient and we will have it updated shortly.
We run a lot of events. If you’re interested in competing to help you progress your account then you’re in the right place.
Every month we have the following:
Member of the month – Community voted member to get a unique icon
Skill of the week – Skill voted on by the community (Most XP in the week wins a unique icon)
Boss of the week – Boss voted on by the community (Most KC in the week wins a unique icon)
Although we only award icons as rewards for these frequent events, you do unlock the ability to have a huge ego after winning.
Non-frequent events include the following:
Bingo – Our last 2 bingos have had a combined prize pool of 3.5B ( No Buy-ins – All funds raised by staff members)
Hide and seek – Whenever people give away bonds this is the go too.
Among us – Discord + Alcohol + Lots of laughs
Wilderness Boss mass – Callisto is the most fun, Lots of loot, lots of deaths and plenty of screenshots.
Many more.